Squibble is an easy to use PHP SQL library for accelerating development.
Supported Databases
PostgreSQL, MySQL (coming soon), MariaDB (coming soon)
Basic Usage
// Database connection settings
$connection = [
'type' => 'PgSQL',
'host' => 'your.sql.host',
'port' => 5432,
'dbname' => 'your.database.name',
'user' => 'your.username',
'password' => 'your.password',
// Create a new instance of Squibble with your connection settings
$squibble = new \Dorsataio\Squibble\Squibble($connection);
// This is a simple SELECT example
// Selecting a user with a specific email address
$s = $squibble->select('users', [
'email_address[=]' => '[email protected]',
// collect() return an array of the result sets. This is the
// same as PDO $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)
$user = $s->collect();
}catch(PDOException $e){
echo "Error, {$e->getCode()}, {$e->getMessage()}";
}catch(Exception $e){
echo "Error, {$e->getCode()}, {$e->getMessage()}";
Sample Output
array (
0 =>
array (
'id' => 18,
'first_name' => 'Vonnie',
'last_name' => 'O\'Feeney',
'email_address' => '[email protected]',